Quantification of the economic value of CO2 in a plantation of Theobroma cacao l





Biomass, litter, cocoa CCN51, economic development


The ecosystem service values generated by agricultural production models can be used to improve the economic income of the farmer. As is the case of carbon storage or payments for the non-emission of CO2. In this context the objectives were set: to estimate in a plot of cocoa type CCN51 the storage levels of CO2 in litter and standing trees and to project the economic contribution for sequestering CO2. For this, three plots were selected where a 15 m transept was delimited, in each 5 m leaf litter samples were taken and the diameter of the cacao trees was measured, to estimate the volume. The process of quantifying the biomass was by means of alometric equations. The results indicated a greater accumulation of CO2 in the litter (436.96 kg ha-1), showing statistical significance (P <0.05) with respect to the value obtained in the trees (69.00 kg ha-1).


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How to Cite

Ríos-Carrión, P. ., Barrezueta-Unda, S. ., Quezada-Abad, C. ., & Moreira-Blaci, W. . (2019). Quantification of the economic value of CO2 in a plantation of Theobroma cacao l. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 2(1), 134-140. https://doi.org/10.62452/b6h2mt10