Evaluation of the yield of corn cultivation (Zea mays l.) Under plastic Mulch conditions, Ecuador
Corn, mulching, morphological variables, innovationAbstract
Grasses are important in the Ecuadorian agricultural sector, as a staple food for the population and an important source of income. This article explored profitable technologies to increase efficiency in agronomic management. Therefore, the objective of this research was to evaluate the yield of maize (Zea mays L.) under plastic mulch conditions, on morphological variables. A completely randomized block design (CRBD) was implemented, with four treatments: control (T0), black (T1), blue (T2) and green (T3) and three replications. The results revealed that the development variables showed significant differences: in plant height, T2 and T3 increased between 8.5 and 9.5 cm with respect to the control, while T2 increased 0.182 cm in stem diameter, which represents 4.53%, favoring the use of mulch. In addition, T3 was associated with a high index of chlorophyll color intensity and an increase in fresh and dry root biomass. On the other hand, when analyzing the production variables, it was found that T1 was associated with greater ear length and diameter, while T3 produced an increase in ear weight.
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