Legal protection of the right of possession in the ecuadorian context




Possession, domain, possessory actions, possessory guardianship, fair title


The legal protection of the right of possession in Ecuador is a controversial and unfinished matter despite being an old legal institution and developed in the doctrine of Civil Law. There are not a few controversies that arise due to the occupation of property or belongings of others due to the lack of knowledge of the rights generated by the peaceful, calm, uninterrupted and good faith possession of the possessor. The study aims to analyze the legal protection of possession, identify the principles of law that allow the legal defense of possession and promote its theoretical development. The concepts of domain and possession are taken as starting points, as well as the way in which they are regulated in the Ecuadorian Civil Code. A methodology based on the documentary and legal study is used with the application of the exegetical method, analysis, synthesis and legal theory. A set of principles derived from Law in general and, from civil science in particular, applicable to the right of possession are proposed, and the elements, foundations, legal nature and relationship of possession with the right to property are summarized.


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How to Cite

Monroy-Criollo, K. C. ., Ruiz-Rodríguez, D. C. ., & Ramírez-López, G. M. . (2024). Legal protection of the right of possession in the ecuadorian context. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 7(1), 123-133.