Experimentation as a strategy for approaching scientific knowledge





Experiment, teaching strategy, science teaching, scientific knowledge


In the field of training processes for new generations, it is important to make students aware of the role of science and its results in people's daily lives and in the global social context. That is why the curricular organization of the Nueva Escuela Mexica is committed to promoting experimentation in the teaching and learning process through the training field of knowledge and scientific thinking, which is why it is important to promote the understanding of the concept of science and how through Experimentation favors the learning of scientific knowledge; through the verification of natural phenomena and through the use of various methods and procedures that promote interaction, discovery, understanding and acquisition of new knowledge, promoting the learning of knowledge related to nature and society in the context of each group-class. All of this conditions the need to promote new ways of teaching how to learn science, and in this sense the role of the teacher in the organization of teaching strategies focused on experimentation is resignified, being the ideal context from which the approach to science should begin. science through the scientific method, as a way to promote and understand natural phenomena, in girls, boys and adolescents.


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How to Cite

Silva-Núñez, L. D. ., & Cáceres-Mesa, M. L. . (2024). Experimentation as a strategy for approaching scientific knowledge. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 7(1), 79-87. https://doi.org/10.62452/yx1rwz28