Oral history and teaching history through a case study
Oral history, historiography, historical memory, migration, history of the presentAbstract
The present work is based on the main ideas that were constituted since the twentieth century, which brought with it an important historiographical revolution that has transcended to this day, resulting in new ways of making history. As researchers of the social sciences in general, this revolution in the world of history gave us options to systematize deepen in areas little studied or investigated as traditions and historical memory have been. In the twenty-first century and with a world that is increasingly globalized, the identity and wisdom of our nations is threatened by stigmas and rules Anglo-Saxons or Eurocentrists. It is in this context that oral traditions constitute an essential tool for researchers, in order to preserve historical memory so that it lasts for future generations. Much has been written about the dialectical relationship between orality and history, but much has yet to be applied. Application that must be translated into concrete field studies that are based on the interaction with the protagonists of events that today because of new trends or policies are being rewritten or told in different different ways. With the aim of illustrating the use of oral history and its role in the recovery of the memory of peoples, we propose examples where its use has been central. We also note that the dividing line between oral history and the history of the present is very thin, both having a complementary role in the work of the historian.
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