The constructivist methodology applied in the teaching of modern and contemporary dance




Contemporary dance, dance students, training, skills and abilities and constructivist methodology


This article addressed the constructivist methodology in contemporary dance training. The objective pursued in this research was to analyze the constructivist teaching method in contemporary dance, for this the qualitative methodology was used for an exhaustive literature review, with the intention of comparing the different methodologies used in contemporary dance training; to reach the conclusions of which is the most appropriate according to the needs of (the learner), for an effective training in contemporary dance through which it was possible to develop and enhance the skills and abilities of the students of contemporary dance. As conclusions and final results, the apprentice was trained with analytical and reflective criteria and with the ability to self-evaluate for a permanent construction of significant knowledge in contemporary dance.


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How to Cite

Vernaza-Montaño, G. A., & Martin-Pinto, O. J. . (2023). The constructivist methodology applied in the teaching of modern and contemporary dance. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 6(Suplemento 2), 127-132.