migration status of migrant workers under the international human rights protection system





Migration status, migrant workers, protection, human rights, migration


The international protection of the rights of migrant workers and their migratory status is a crucial issue in the current global context. Migrant workers face numerous challenges and vulnerabilities due to their cross-border mobility, making them more susceptible to exploitation and discrimination in the workplace. To address this issue, the international community has established a legal framework aimed at safeguarding the rights of migrant workers. Instruments such as the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families, adopted in 1990, recognize the basic human rights of these workers, regardless of their migratory status. Achieving more effective protection requires promoting closer international cooperation and fostering dialogue among countries of origin, transit, and destination. Additionally, addressing the underlying causes of migration and improving legal pathways for labor migration are crucial steps in ensuring that the human rights of migrant workers are respected and protected at all levels.


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How to Cite

Romero-Jaramillo, L. A. ., Loayza-Cordova, A. J. ., & Ramón-Merchán, M. E. . (2023). migration status of migrant workers under the international human rights protection system. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 6(Suplemento 2), 26-36. https://doi.org/10.62452/yxcqnv13