Some reflections about focus-focused approach and the teacher's challenge




Approach by competences, teaching challenge, educational transformations


The article reflects on the need for the development of competences in the teaching-learning process and the challenges that the teacher of the 21st century must assume. Likewise, the structure of the competences is analyzed, the main evidences of the learning when they are carried out following this approach and the levels of development of each competence. It concludes with the proposal of a new educational model in Mexico that integrates knowledge, abilities, skills, attitudes, to transform their own learning and their context.


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How to Cite

Díaz Olvera, M. Ángel ., Hernández Flores, C. ., & Cuevas Suárez, A. B. . (2019). Some reflections about focus-focused approach and the teacher’s challenge. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 2(1), 87-94.