Computer system for the control and entry of students and qualifications in schools of Pichincha




Evaluations, substantive processes, basic education


The investigative work has as its main objective to automate and systematize, through a computer application, the process of enrollment and record of grades of Basic Education schools, for this purpose the research is based theoretically on the educational and computer precepts related to the subject such as the generally accepted Evaluation, Qualification and Promotion of Students. A fourth level programming language as a global trend in developing systems for the public and private sectors. The methodology used in the design of the system was based on the client-server network structure and the MySQL application for data storage management, through the use of forms and OOP object-oriented programming, the realization of the system constitutes a fact of great importance and importance both for the users of the software developed based on the facilities generated by its use as well as for the author of the same based on the great experience that deeply enriched his professional training. The system resulted in the development of a computer product for real use in the educational sector and with a great impact on customer satisfaction and the performance of the employer, for this reason the application of the system at the local, regional and national level is recommended, in addition to the establishment for which it was originally designed.


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How to Cite

de la Rosa-Martín, T. ., & León-González, J. L. . (2023). Computer system for the control and entry of students and qualifications in schools of Pichincha. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 6(3), 207-215.