Contribution to the teaching of the Cuba history from the theoretical-conceptual approach of the historical region




Historical region, regional studies, Cuba history


The objective of the present work is to carry out a theoretical-conceptual approach to the historical region to contribute to the teaching of the Cuba history in the first half of the century XIX. We depart from the idea that the historical region is formed through a socio-historical process, has different stages, changes that permit maneuver you, defines as such in the century XIX but your endless transformation. Wooden shoe a certain territory that in your historical time it has firm relationships. Delimit your fundamental and cardinal attributes in the first half of the century XIX. The historical regions are integrated in the national unit and the national identity is manifested in the regional particular properties. In this sense the teaching of the Cuba history as of the study is enriched of the historical region, by having in count that the regional studies constitute a process in formation that has come by consolidating and earning space in the national historiography. For other side it favors the comparisons with other regions in identical historical stages.


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How to Cite

Leyva-Herrera, J. M. ., Góngora-Cruz, L. ., & Medina-de la Rosa, R. E. . (2023). Contribution to the teaching of the Cuba history from the theoretical-conceptual approach of the historical region. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 6(3), 198-206.