Validation of an instrument for its implementation in the community training process




Staff development, agriculture, evaluation of research programs and instruments, validation study


The instrument validation has gained in recent times the importance it deserves, because the decision making of any investigation is based on the results achieved in the applied instruments. The objective of the article was to validate an instrument for its implementation in agricultural training, with a view to the continuous improvement of the community training process. An instrumental study was carried out in the Province of Los Ríos, Cantón Vinces, community of El Aguacatal, as part of a training strategy for community actors. The population under study was all those trained (N=124). The data were processed in the statistical package JAMOVI, 2.3.21. From the descriptive statistics, central tendency and dispersion statistics were applied, as well as violin graphs; and inferential, Kendall's coefficient of agreement, factor analysis, Cronbach's alpha, Spearman's correlation, Wilcoxon test and ROC curve. Readjustments were applied to the instrument, derived from the mathematical analyzes carried out, both to the qualitative and quantitative component, as well as to the contextual application in the selected rural area. The instrument aimed at agricultural training in the Aguacatal community, was validated through a process with solid scientific bases. The results of its implementation show its capacity to contribute to the improvement of community agricultural training.


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How to Cite

Valencia-Benítez, J. C. ., & Carmenates-Barrios, O. A. . (2023). Validation of an instrument for its implementation in the community training process. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 6(3), 161-170.