Integral repair in the case of sexual crimes
Comprehensive reparation, sexual integrity, violation of rightsAbstract
Within the crimes against sexual integrity in Ecuador, comprehensive reparation is an essential right that judges must have when issuing a conviction. However, it does not adequately apply the parameters for setting the most suitable measures of comprehensive reparation for the victims of these crimes. Therefore, they must initiate a new process to demand a right of a constitutional nature. The present investigation analyzes the figure of integral reparation within the crimes against sexual integrity in Ecuador, for which, it uses a qualitative methodology, with a bibliographic-documentary modality, that is, it is based on secondary sources of investigation. Through the exegetical method, a study of the legal norms in force in Ecuadorian legislation is carried out. Through the technique of observation and study of cases, different judicial processes for this type of crime are analyzed, where comprehensive reparation is provided for the victims. The results within the investigation show that, in effect, since comprehensive reparation is a fundamental right, victims should not carry out additional judicial procedures so that their right can be fulfilled and guaranteed.
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