Proposal for the conservation of the yellow guayacan and the white-tailed deer, in the Arenillas ecological reserve
Biodiversity, tropical dry forest, contributing factors, conservation planAbstract
Conservation management plans for protected areas are designed to protect an area threatened by anthropogenic activities, but in this process several ecosystem factors are not considered. In this research, the objective was to build a conceptual model and design several strategies for the conservation of yellow guaiac and white-tailed deer in the Arenillas Ecological Reserve. We used the Open Standards for Conservation where we identified two conservation targets (yellow guaiac and white-tailed deer), the scope, conservation vision, contributing factors and threats to build a conceptual model of the current situation. Then the objectives for the conservation target were designed with their respective strategies and targets. The project highlights the importance of establishing restoration programmes and incentives for farmers so that the agricultural border does not continue to grow, as well as the need to establish protected areas to protect and restore key deer habitats. These actions will not only benefit the target species, but will also contribute to the overall conservation of the Arenillas Ecological Reserve and the promotion of a healthy natural balance in the communities near the reserve.
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