Teachers’ evaluation in early childhood education at Pablo Montesino Cáceres School





Early education, evaluation, performance, teacher


The teacher evaluation is a crucial beginning point for multiple elements in Education such as: the professional teachers’ development, the students’ learning process and finally, by rising institutional quality and education in general. In Ecuador, policies and procedures are present to carry out teacher evaluation at all educational levels, except for the initial one, which has been left to the responsibility of each educational institution, without a clear course. The current research analyzes this process difficulties at Pablo Montesino Cáceres School in order to propose a teacher evaluation tool for early education teachers. The study was conducted following two steps, in the first phase a qualitative approach and the open interview to teachers were used as data collection technique. In the second phase the survey to parents was used as quantitative techniques for data collection. Hence, it is a sequential mixed study. The results display difficulties in teacher evaluation from teachers' conception until the methodology processes for needs diagnoses, the feedback processes, and the guidance training. A teacher evaluation tool is proposed for early education teachers at the "Pablo Montesino Cáceres" School.


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How to Cite

Flores-Mediavilla, M. S., Chaglla-Chaglla, H. W. ., & Suárez Monzón, N. . (2023). Teachers’ evaluation in early childhood education at Pablo Montesino Cáceres School. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 6(2), 274-286. https://doi.org/10.62452/zyc05z13