Right to resistance in Ecuador in the context of the june 2022 protests
Right to resistance, social protest, state of exceptionAbstract
Ecuador as a State of rights and justice has a constitution that guarantees the enjoyment of rights under equal conditions for all citizens. Among them, the right to resistance is protected by several instruments of Ecuadorian legislation and international treaties, without restrictions for its exercise. The investigative work used a proactive critical analysis with a qualitative and cross-sectional approach on the right to resistance in the context of the social protests that occurred in the national territory in June 2022 with an exploratory and descriptive design. The documentary technique was used to collect data on previous research by other authors and national and international organizations that present a theoretical and legal support for the development of the research. It was determined that, although the right to resistance and protest are protected by the Constitution, there is no formal regulation to determine its scope and application. Among the conclusions it was possible to establish that the State of Exception established by executive decree 455 arose as a mechanism to protect internal stability under the cause of "serious internal commotion" suspending the enjoyment of the right to resistance and other rights involved.
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