Effectiveness of the drug consumption table in the identification of drug trafficking, microtrafficking and consumer





Table of narcotic substances, drug use, drug trafficking, criminal policy


The consumption table was established to, in addition to reducing the use of narcotic and psychotropic drugs, complement the classification of the crime of drug trafficking, since it is from its use that each type of trafficking can be classified based on the amounts of narcotics and their special characteristics. However, since its promulgation it has been widely questioned. Consequently, the objective set forth in this article is to critically review and from a qualitative point of view, the configuration of the table of substances, so that its influence and practicality in tracking micro-trafficking and drug trafficking in Ecuador can be impartially validated; in order to identify the types of consumers that require assistance for their rehabilitation, and mentioning their impact in relation to the current situation in the country, considering the current regulations, especially aimed at leaving the criminal figure as non-punishable in the case of people who, due to the amounts they carry in their body, can be classified as consumers. This is achieved through a qualitative methodological approach and with the application of methods such as analytical-synthetic and inductive.


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How to Cite

Ordoñez-Bastidas, K. M. ., & López-Soria, Y. . (2023). Effectiveness of the drug consumption table in the identification of drug trafficking, microtrafficking and consumer. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 6(2), 236-245. https://doi.org/10.62452/vp4xt743