The legal configuration of the criminal type of femicide and judicial practice in Ecuador




Femicide, crimes, hate, misogyny, typicality


Femicide as a new criminal type in Ecuador brings with it doubts, consequences, insecurities, and violations when applying it. The problem arises when reviewing its typification, the fact of being a woman is a parenthesis that can bring social and legal problems, when the female gender is specified, hatred appears, towards women for being women, this being the motive and the reason for the crime. The judges are based only on the relationship of power to sanction this type of crime that affects several protected legal rights, including equality, which is a right embodied in the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador. The objective is to differentiate between the various types of crimes that threaten life, based on the normative elements that make up femicide, determining that not one normative element is violated but several, thus being able to identify and punish; The methodology used is of a qualitative nature, with bibliographic and documentary review methods, based on articles, books, magazines, etc., seeking as a result the clarification and differentiation of femicide with similar criminal types, where the victim can also be a women; avoiding that there are doubts in the Ecuadorian judicial practice.


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How to Cite

Albán-Pazmiño, F. S. ., & Bermúdez-Santana, D. M. . (2023). The legal configuration of the criminal type of femicide and judicial practice in Ecuador. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 6(2), 217-225.