The constitutional review of jurisdictional acts in electoral matters




Constitutionalism, limits, electoral processes, jurisdictional acts, constitutional justice, electoral justice


The present work deals with the issue of the constitutionality control of jurisdictional acts emanating from the highest electoral justice institutions. The subject of study presents a specific problem in relation to the existing limits between the electoral and constitutional jurisdictional orders, due to the nature of electoral processes, the principles that are inherent to them, and the constitutional, social, and democratic interests that are applicable to them. To this end, variables such as constitutionalism, participation rights, and constitutionality control are worked with. The methodology of bibliographic analysis predominates, given its decidedly theoretical approach.


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How to Cite

Vallejo-Vásquez, S. . (2023). The constitutional review of jurisdictional acts in electoral matters. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 6(2), 208-216.