The Balance Scorecard applied to the formulation of the strategic plan of the Company CG Seguros




Formulation, insurance, plan, strategies


The present work constitutes the product of an investigation that was carried out with the objective of applying the Balance Scorecard, and its four perspectives, in CG Seguros; Said company is an insurance broker, which has been operating in the market since 2019. Using a descriptive approach, it was possible to determine that the organization in question presents some problems, in its daily operations, mainly based on the disorganization of activities, which generates delays in the provision of its services, as well as deterioration in its operation. On the other hand, it is clear that there is an inadequate strategic direction because it is not possible to meet the objectives set. The conclusion of this study is that the management of the Balance Scorecard is an appropriate tool for the generation of a strategic plan that will later serve to carry out the monitoring and evaluation of the organizational plan of the company CG Seguros.


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How to Cite

Monroy-Espinosa, F. J. ., Razo-Cajas, E. F. ., & Solórzano-Polo, P. H. . (2023). The Balance Scorecard applied to the formulation of the strategic plan of the Company CG Seguros. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 6(2), 198-207.