Femicide in the ecuadorian legal system





Crime, women's rights, femicide, gender, legal system, violence


The objective of this article is to analyze femicide in Ecuador through an analysis of the Ecuadorian legal system. The methodology is raised from a qualitative approach of a phenomenological nature due to the social and legal context of the problem, using analytical, historical - logical methods and documentary analysis through a review of legal theories and laws in force in the country. The Comprehensive Organic Criminal Code (COIP) typifies femicide, also the Comprehensive Organic Law to Prevent and Eradicate Violence Against Women approved in 2018 in its introduction indicates the importance of its inclusion as a crime. Despite this, in Ecuador there has been an increase in cases of femicide, despite the validity of the regulations approved in the Comprehensive Organic Criminal Code. Although there are criticisms of its introduction in the COIP, due to the high homicide rate in general, from the gender point of view it requires special treatment due to the causal factors related to the gender roles present in society, most of the cases the offenders are couples of the victims, it is born from gender violence and with psychological and social consequences for families.


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How to Cite

Soria-Viteri, M. A. ., & Redrobán-Barreto, W. E. . (2023). Femicide in the ecuadorian legal system. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 6(2), 180-188. https://doi.org/10.62452/en2zg047