Analysis of the right to development for citizens in Ecuador




Right to development, human rights, global development, challenges of developing countries


The right to development is a fundamental right that focuses on ensuring that all citizens have access to the opportunities and resources necessary to develop their potential and contribute to the development of their country. However, in practice, much remains to be done to ensure that all citizens have access to the necessary opportunities and resources. It is important to invest in basic infrastructure, education and training, sustainable agricultural development policies, and to promote citizen participation and consultation with rural communities. In the rural environment, these challenges are even more evident due to the lack of access to basic services and economic opportunities. Specific measures are needed to improve the situation in rural areas and to guarantee the right to development for all citizens. The following research is descriptive and through a comprehensive analysis explores the most important issues in the right to development for citizens.


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How to Cite

Juca-Maldonado, F. ., & Mocha-Román, V. . (2023). Analysis of the right to development for citizens in Ecuador. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 6(2), 174-179.