Design of the student evaluation process in the Liceo Naval Quito Educational Unit




Process, student evaluation, activities


The research work was oriented to the design of the student evaluation process at the Liceo Naval Quito. The research had a quantitative approach under a documentary modality, and the study was descriptive. The population consisted in 60 people (3 members of the management staff and 57 teachers), to whom a survey was applied to identify the student evaluation process developed in the institution. The data obtained were processed and analyzed by comparing them with the respective theoretical information, resulting in the fact that the current process needs to fully comply with what is established in the instructions for applying student evaluation since compliance with specific procedures and activities is omitted. Inherent to it, such as the elaboration and delivery of the partial learning report, needs to communicate to the students that they can improve the final average; erroneous delivery of the information to the Vice Chancellor and Coordinator, among others. Based on the results, the conclusions and recommendations addressed to the institutional authorities were prepared, the same ones responsible for complying with the provisions and using them to benefit a correct student evaluation process.


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How to Cite

Miranda-Coronel, C. S. ., Caisa-Oña, D. M. ., & Gómez-Rivero, J. O. (2023). Design of the student evaluation process in the Liceo Naval Quito Educational Unit. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 6(2), 152-163.