The declaration of common law partnership and inheritance rights in Ecuador
Domestic partnership, succession, legal status, surviving spouseAbstract
The purpose of this article is to examine the legal situation of the surviving cohabitant in the absence of a declaration of the common-law relationship. This is due to the fact that the Civil Code does not recognize the surviving cohabitant as a successor. Therefore, the objective was to determine if there is a rule within the Ecuadorian legislation that regulates the process of intestate succession and guarantees the right of succession to the surviving cohabitant. For the correct development of this study, a qualitative research methodological approach has been applied, since it is essential to apply the analytical-synthetic and inductive methods that allow the analysis and understanding of issues and problems of these characteristics. At the end of the research, it is concluded that the surviving cohabitants will only be able to enjoy their rights, including those of inheritance, through the common-law union regulation, however, there are great legal gaps in the Ecuadorian norm, so that the violation of the right to inheritance recognized by the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador has been proven.
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