The right of carrying and bear arms as a defense mechanism in Ecuador




Firearms, carry of weapons, civil security


The following research article focuses on the current situation of violence and insecurity in Ecuador and the possible solutions that could be offered by testing laws that allow the carrying and possession of weapons as a defense mechanism within the country. The general objective is to: To analyze the social and criminological factors from the point of view of criminalization regarding the carrying and use of weapons in order to review possible regularizations that could be used to promote civil security within a constitutional validation of this measure. Both current Ecuadorian laws supported by current bodies, as well as related case studies, have been reviewed through a qualitative research approach and methods such as analytical-synthetic and inductive, in order to carry out a critical study of the incorrect use of weapons and to consider the sociological impact that the approval of a possible bill on this issue would have. It is concluded that the carrying of firearms can provide civil security in the short term, but, if a security control is not carried out in the face of this regulation, other eventualities could develop that could substantially harm the country in terms of public order.


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How to Cite

Arias-Ulloa, J. I. ., & Paredes-Fuertes, F. E. . (2023). The right of carrying and bear arms as a defense mechanism in Ecuador. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 6(2), 33-42.