Proposal for training courses for microentrepreneurs in the parishes of Conocoto, Uyumbicho and Tumbaco




Entrepreneurship, sustainability, competitiveness, education


In Ecuador there has been a historical difficulty in consolidating socioeconomic information on microenterprises, a problem generated mainly by the indeterminacy of concepts and the scarcity of reliable data that allow the real situation of these business units to be established more accurately. Despite these limitations, the multiple common problems that microentrepreneurs have gone through throughout their arduous and intense business activity are not unknown. This article intends, through the presentation of a practical experience, to make a proposal for training courses for microentrepreneurs from the parishes of Conocoto, Uyumbicho and Tumbaco, located in the province of Pichincha, Ecuador. From a survey of information that allows diagnosing the most urgent training needs of the study area in order to contribute to the strengthening of the management of these business units.


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How to Cite

Charpentier-Alcívar, A., Monroy-Espinosa, F. J. ., Razo-Cajas, E. F. ., & Sólorzano-Polo, P. H. . (2023). Proposal for training courses for microentrepreneurs in the parishes of Conocoto, Uyumbicho and Tumbaco. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 6(Suplemento 1), 168-176.