Temporality in the regulation of migrants entering the Republic of Ecuador





Migrant, temporality, migratory regularization


The present study focuses on analyzing the temporality of the regularization of migrants entering the country, taking as a reference the current regulations and the actions carried out by the National Government through the executive branch. Its development is based on the qualitative methodological approach, of a documentary and bibliographic type, which is carried out on legislation and doctrine as sources of law. The results obtained indicate that the State has addressed one of the largest migratory flows, being a country that has received the largest number of migrants and many of them in an irregular situation, which requires the intervention of the human mobility authorities to respond. appropriate to citizens in this situation. In this way, it is concluded that the State has designed plans for the regularization of migrants in an extraordinary way, in which an amnesty process has mediated and that they have generated for the second time the granting of exceptional visas, whose temporality has been regulated by means of Executive decrees, which comply with the current needs of human mobility and whose periods of application are allowed to offer efficient and effective solutions to guarantee the exercise of the human rights of migrants.


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How to Cite

Cisneros-Pallo, W. H. ., & Santamaría-Velasco, J. P. (2023). Temporality in the regulation of migrants entering the Republic of Ecuador. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 6(Suplemento 1), 144-152. https://doi.org/10.62452/yr86pv23