Effect of the fertilization of a cultivar of Medicago Sativa l. In the Santa Inés farm
Alfalfa, chemical fertilizer, compostAbstract
The present investigation was carried out in the farm Santa Inés of the Academic Unit of Agricultural Sciences of the Universidad Técnica de Machala. A completely random design was used with 6 columns, each column with 40 experimental units giving a total of 240, using in each experimental unit 10 seeds of alfalfa for evaluation. The treatments were: T1 (without compost or fertilizer), T2 (with chemical fertilizer), and T3 (with compost), the evaluated variables were: weight of the biomass, number of leaves, and size of the plants. The Multivariate Variance Analysis was used for the study variables and to determine which factors have a statistically significant effect, prior to the verification of the Normality and Homogeneity assumptions. The method used to discriminate between the means was Duncan's multiple comparison procedure. The objective was to evaluate the effect of two fertilizations on M. sativa, using a chemical fertilizer and an organic fertilizer. The results show that the amount of biomass, the size of the plant and the number of leaves at the first cut after applying the respective treatment, does not differ so much with the use of YaraMila COMPLEX and compost.
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