The judicial system as a guarantor of the rights of the LGBTIQ+ community
Discrimination, Violence, Human Rights Violations, LGBTIQ+ CommunityAbstract
The negligence of the Ecuadorian and Latin American judicial system with respect to the LGBTIQ+ community has unleashed a massive wave of human rights violations. Therefore, it is evident that the Ecuadorian State has not yet opted for the legal concern towards this community, making acts of violence against it invisible. Therefore, legislators would be in the need to grant people belonging to the LGBTIQ+ community a law that provides protection and protection to this group, in order to eradicate acts of violence and discrimination. In Ecuador, data has been collected by INEC together with the direct support of organizations aimed at Pro, Rights of the LGBTIQ+ population; every 8 out of 10 people belonging to this population have suffered acts of hatred, from family, educational, labor and social spaces. The current article seeks to gather information in an analytical way about the violence suffered by LGBTIQ+ people, and in accordance with these existing acts of violence, the judicial system has made this problem invisible, for which within this thesis, a qualitative study has been developed, with historical and cultural sensitivity, applying methodology with the name "Snowball" with respect that we are dealing with a hidden population, respectively their exact number is unknown, finally for the correct and due interpretation regarding the norm was used the legal exegetical method as well as comparative law.
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