The importance of the evaluation of the evidence in the executive judgment




Executive title, executive process, evidence, evidentiary instrument, characteristics


This article is developed under a qualitative research approach and aims to analyze through the principles and characteristics of the executive title as evidence, within the executive process, the characteristics for its effectiveness and efficiency as a procedural evidence instrument. Although the Organic Code of the General Processes completely modified the Ecuadorian procedural system, giving it speed. Being able to determine the effective importance, which arises from that distinction both of the executive title as procedural evidence, as well as, of the treatment in its own executive way, the same that must be taken into account by the procedural parties involved (from their point of view) for the execution efficiency of the respective obligation.


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How to Cite

Vázquez-Ruilova, E. G. ., & Fabián Carrillo, A. (2023). The importance of the evaluation of the evidence in the executive judgment. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 6(Suplemento 1), 29-37.