Influence of an adapted physical exercise program for the development of motor coordination in children aged 8 to 12 from the Marlins athletics team from Ciudad del Carmen, Mexico
Motor coordination, training, athleticsAbstract
The purpose of the research was to determine the influence that an adapted physical exercise program exerts on the development of motor coordination in children who train athletics for the Marlin's team, which will allow them to be part of a group of athletes in the future, who have a good competitive level in this discipline. The research is of a longitudinal type, as the measurements are made over time, it is part of a pre-experimental design with pre-test and post-test to the same group. A comparison of paired samples is made to eliminate the error bias that the pre-experiment has. The methods used to respond to the detected problems are diverse with emphasis on measurement as the main method that allowed statistical analysis according to the type of study selected. The contribution is materialized in the very conception of the motor program for children who train athletics. The conclusions refer that derived from the diagnosis, difficulties in motor coordination were observed in the selected sample, which demonstrated the need for the development of this program. After applied, it could be verified that it had a positive influence on the athletics training process, it was possible to significantly improve motor coordination in children from 8 to 12 years of age from the Marlins athletics team and with it the execution of the different techniques used in this sport.
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