Ovarian tumor and pregnancy. About a case
Ovarian tumor, pregnancy, ovarian cysts, cystadenomaAbstract
Ovarian pathology is frequent, almost always functional and acute, but sometimes malignant and asymptomatic. An ovarian cyst is defined as a fluid-filled tumor that develops on the surface of or within an ovary, where physiologic enlargement of this female gonad may be a consequence of failure of follicle or corpus luteum regression. Ovarian cysts are most common in the reproductive years from puberty to menopause, after which the condition is less common, however, the vast majority of cases are women of reproductive age, where the diagnostic challenges of These ovarian tumors are the distinction between a malignant tumor and a benign mass to optimize cancer treatment, thus avoiding excessive diagnosis and unnecessary treatment of functional masses that do not require surgical therapy. Ultrasound is the first-line study and must specify its location (ovarian or extra-ovarian), in addition to distinguishing a functional pathology from an organic lesion using the International Ovarian Tumor Analysis criteria. Its main complications are related to its rupture, which can cause intense pain and bleeding, although ovarian torsion also occurs, which can cause difficulty in the ovarian blood supply, secondarily causing intense pain and vomiting.
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