The violation of the right to defense in the direct procedure in traffic crimes
Direct procedure, traffic crimes, right to defense, violation, due processAbstract
Ecuadorian legislation, like other legislation, is being updated according to the progress and development of society. Therefore, legislators within the Ecuadorian penal system have developed different types of processes to sanction an infraction, among which is the direct procedure. Being this, a new, fast, agile and effective procedure, which shortens time and omits unnecessary procedural phases to reach a quick opinion and without so many formalities. Procedure that, once the flagrancy has been qualified, the judge, within a maximum period of twenty days, must set a day and time for the trial hearing. The question then arises: Is twenty days enough time for the alleged offender to put together his defense strategy? This inductive research, with a qualitative approach, refers to the violation of the right to defense in the direct procedure in transit matters, setting as an objective: Analyze the direct procedure in transit matters according to the COIP and the existence or not, of the violation of the right to defense.
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