Post-penitentiary labor insertion of prisoners




Social Rehabilitation Center, prisoner, social reintegration


The post-custodial labor insertion of persons deprived of liberty has been quite a big problem nowadays, since, when people leave rehabilitation centers and serve their sentence for any crime they have committed, they do not manage to insert themselves clearly into society in various areas, since they are often discriminated against, which causes them to be unable to get a job. This research is carried out with the objective of analyzing the situation of persons deprived of liberty within the Social Rehabilitation Centers and after completing their sentence, because, being groups of priority attention recognized in state and international regulations, the rights of these groups are not guaranteed, among these, the right to work, However, in the absence of rehabilitation and reeducation, social reintegration does not exist and these people tend to reoffend in the criminal behaviors for which they were sentenced. The result to be achieved within this research is reflected through the inductive and deductive methods, as well as using the bibliographic, historical-logical review to determine the most important aspects of the post-custodial labor insertion of persons deprived of liberty in Ecuador.


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How to Cite

Lascano-Sinchiri, P. C. ., & Cárdenas-Paredes, K. D. . (2023). Post-penitentiary labor insertion of prisoners. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 6(1), 213-222.