Administration of the marital society protective factor empowerment against violence against women




Sociedad conyugal, violencia contra la mujer, empoderamiento


Marital violence is understood as a phenomenon that belongs to the private sphere and public importance is diminished. However, the state is responsible for safeguarding the rights of its citizens and the government is responsible for creating public policies that protect them. At the international level, the empowerment of women is a recognized tool to counteract any type of violence. Unfortunately, the literature shows conflicting results on the true effect of empowerment on spousal violence experienced by women. This research seeks to provide elements on the subject, from previously carried out studies. The main argument is that each woman is at a different level of empowerment and each of these has a different effect on the chances of violence that she may face. The results show that the relationship between both variables is not linear, that is, empowerment does not cause a constant increase or decrease in violence, but rather a more complex relationship. It is hoped that the creation of knowledge about the relationship between empowerment and violence can contribute to the formulation of public policies and more appropriate programs that seek to combat marital violence.


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How to Cite

Cedeño-Floril, M. P. ., & Machado-López, L. . (2023). Administration of the marital society protective factor empowerment against violence against women. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 6(1), 184-191.