Educational management in the inclusive university. Transformation of their processes from a personalized and participatory education




Educational management, educational management by processes, inclusive university, inclusive education, people with disabilities


The challenge of offering a better university education therefore requires an educational management system, capable of integrating different perspectives. Universities manifest social diversity. In them, it is necessary to transform educational practices in order to offer the most beneficial for the personal and professional growth of all, from an inclusive university context, which reflects the need to investigate, deepen and debate the theory and practice of university educational management in the inclusive university, its reality and current conditions. The authors of the work reflect in this direction, from research, exchange and the particularities of different university contexts. Its methodology is given in an analytical scheme with an exploratory approach, where information is sought and reflections are formulated that project new research. An inclusive university from the educational management by processes, in addition to its scenarios, educational policies and the support of resources and technology fundamentally integrates the situations of classrooms, teachers, university students, families and the community in general.


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How to Cite

Gil-Álvarez, J. L. ., Morales-Cruz, M. ., & León-González, J. L. . (2023). Educational management in the inclusive university. Transformation of their processes from a personalized and participatory education. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 6(1), 47-54.