Integration of reflection in teaching to improve the teaching-learning process




Education, teaching, teaching- learning, reflection


This paper aims to analyze the importance of integrating reflection in teaching to improve the teaching-learning process. For this, the criteria of several authors who have investigated the subject in question have been taken into account. Likewise, in this research were worked on the concepts of reflection and teaching, in addition to addressing other terms or categories that intervene in the integration of these two concepts, such as: teaching-learning process, reflexivity and practical knowledge, for a better understanding of the problem raised. Changing, transforming, critically reviewing a process is necessary to reach a higher stage of development. In the case of education, the changes would be necessary to fight against static and rote educational methods. It is necessary to create spaces for reflection where teachers systematically analyze and improve themselves, professionals who teach their classes for young people who belong to an increasingly complex and demanding society.


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How to Cite

Soler-Mc-Cook, J. M. ., & Ruano-Fernández, Y. . (2023). Integration of reflection in teaching to improve the teaching-learning process. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 6(1), 41-46.