Academic tutoring in the development of the teaching-learning process in higher education




Academic tutoring, teaching learning, higher education


In the field of Higher Education at the present time, changes are perceived in learning environments, particularly the virtual one. Therefore, university teachers have had to redefine their teaching work, and therefore the nature in which the teaching-learning process takes place. This consideration implies a transformation of the teacher's mode of action, from the didactic and methodological point of view in the conception of strategies, to generate significant learning that fosters the development of cognitive independence in students. From this perspective, academic tutoring becomes a tool that allows accompanying and guiding students to build their learning in the context of their training, a more personalized attention, from a relationship of help and accompaniment, to monitor and evaluate the learning from the active participation of this in the metacognitive development for the construction of knowledge. In the present study, the significance of academic tutoring is addressed, as a resource to accompany students in the teaching-learning process at the university, which allows them to reflect on their cognitive processes and on procedural self-knowledge for the learning process in students. environments in which it develops.


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How to Cite

Rojas Valladares, A. L. ., García Álvarez, I. ., Alfonso Moreira, Y., & Domínguez Urdanivia, Y. . (2022). Academic tutoring in the development of the teaching-learning process in higher education. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 5(Suplemento 1), 298-306.