Background of the preparation for the pedagogical professional orientation in the physics education major




Vocational guidance, initial training, education, physics


In the article, a logical-historical study of the preparation for professional orientation was carried out during the initial training of students who will become Physics teachers for Secondary Education, which revealed the stages that constitute milestones in the study plans of the major. Empirical methods were used to carry out the study: interviews, surveys, review of study plans and other official documents related to the major and theoretical methods as: analysis-synthesis and induction-deduction were also used. The historical-logical method was used to reveal the transformations in the actions of preparation for professional orientation within the formative process of the major and to delimit the regularities and tendencies of its development.


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How to Cite

Pérez-Martínez, D. ., Infante-Ricardo, A. I. ., Vázquez-López, D. ., & Cáceres-Mesa, M. L. . (2022). Background of the preparation for the pedagogical professional orientation in the physics education major. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 5(Suplemento 1), 246-253.