Administrative strategies in the optimization of resources in the processes of pulparous diseases




Administrative strategies, dental practices, optimization of resources


The administration of resources within the dental clinic of the Catholic University of Cuenca, has shown to have a positive impact for the training and production of students, taking into account a sample such as the treatments carried out in the eighth cycle, in this sense it is proposed as an objective , establish administrative strategies that contribute to the optimization of resources and the efficiency of results in the processes that are carried out in the Dental Clinic of Pre-professional Practices. A quantitative investigation is followed with a retrospective approach of the treatments that are carried out within the clinic, for the validation of data a longitudinal approach was taken into account where the files where said treatments were carried out were analyzed, taking as a sample the number of patients and compare the incidence of patients who come with a diagnosis focused on the area of ​​endodontics, within the results, it was found that there is a demand of 75% greater, for other areas of the dental area, compared to the area of ​​endodontics that only was 25%, this will allow the provision and optimization of planned resources.


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How to Cite

Piedra Andrade, R. B. ., & Vasquez Erazo, E. J. . (2022). Administrative strategies in the optimization of resources in the processes of pulparous diseases. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 5(Suplemento 1), 239-245.