Work accidents during telework, in Ecuador




Work accidents, telecommuting, employees, employers, Labor Code


Occupational risk management is part of every company, so the present study has as a general objective: Analyze the impact of occupational risks during the period of confinement by Covid - 19 through teleworking that has been carried out through social media. digital. To do this, a qualitative approach has been applied using methods such as analytical-synthetic and inductive. In another perspective, the lack of resources that do not allow to control labor or work conditions is mentioned. Thus, at present, there are already statistical data related to occupational safety events, therefore, a better knowledge of incidents in labor matters is already generated. In this context, through basic research it was possible to identify that during the pandemic there were no serious cases of occupational accidents, but there was an increase in occupational diseases due to excessive workload, in addition to psychosocial risks, with symptoms such as stress, anxiety, among others, that could generate the so-called non-communicable diseases, through teleworking.


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How to Cite

Cuvi Navas, J. S. ., & López Soria, Y. (2022). Work accidents during telework, in Ecuador. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 5(Suplemento 1), 193-202.