Problematic aquifer in the south american context of the xxi century
Problems, acuiferas, South AmericaAbstract
The problem of water is a significant fact that arises as a priority in the social and economic agenda of the twenty-first century and point from an optical geopolitics, the vital liquid is seen as a strategic element of the first order, since it is life but also I become death, pollution and scarcity, with everything that that entails an inexhaustible asset that has led man to waste it, pursuant to the water by its level of importance in the twenty-first century becomes an important factor in the life of human beings and therefore in international relations. The rivers or aquifers are invisible resources for ordinary people in South America, so it can become potential conflict or source of cooperation and regional integration, as a way of survival not only of the people who live there, but for all of humanity. Little effort has been made to share responsibilities and decision making in the management of water, since it is in the presence of a great crisis which is part of the problem in South America, as it is the deterioration of the quality of the water, with consequences such as the agriculture which is larger, with the use of fertilizers and pesticides polluters, has contaminated ground water as well as the supply of surface water, adding to domestic and industrial pollution that is increasing, and the problem affects both developed and developing countries, requiring an immediate solution to this problem that arises.
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