Violence against women. Its analysis from legal documents in Ecuador




Violence against women, human rights, gender studies


Violence against women corresponds to a serious violation of human rights. In Ecuador, it is recorded that 65 out of every 100 women have been victims of some type of violence throughout their lives. Data that in recent years have increased despite attempts to prevent and eradicate violence against women. Thus, in response to the high rates of violence and the historical struggle of women's movements, in 2018 the Organic Law to Prevent and Eradicate Violence Against Women was enacted, which designates the Comprehensive National System for the Prevention and Eradication of violence against women, its members together with their respective attributions. This article seeks to analyze violence against women from legal documents; its obstacles, challenges and how it represents a great advance in terms of gender; for which a qualitative study with historical and cultural sensitivity was developed, the method of hermeneutics was applied for the interpretation of bibliographic texts and for the interpretation of regulations the legal exegetical method and comparative law were used.


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How to Cite

Villacrés Salas, M. P. ., & Gamboa Vargas, S. L. . (2022). Violence against women. Its analysis from legal documents in Ecuador. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 5(Suplemento 1), 148-157.