Popular consultation as direct democracy in Cuba and Venezuela





Popular consultation, direct democracy, referendum, revocation of mandate


This document has been prepared using a qualitative methodology based on a bibliographical review of authors, books, articles and other scientific sources. This allows us to achieve the objective of analyzing the processes of direct democracy in countries such as Cuba and Venezuela, through the legal tools for the participation of their citizens. Due to existing democratic events, decision-making by the people has to be handled correctly and truthfully, always seeking collective improvement and involvement on the part of the citizens. In Cuba, as in Venezuela, direct democracy has several mechanisms such as popular consultations, referendums and revokements of mandate, where citizens can be continuously involved in the democratic scenarios of each country. By having a clear understanding of democratic processes, we motivate and encourage the exercise of collective participation to achieve democratic control and transparency, based on good living and innovation for a development of decision-making and always achieve, committed participation.


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How to Cite

Garzón Rivera, C. A. ., & Santamaria Velasco, J. P. . (2022). Popular consultation as direct democracy in Cuba and Venezuela. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 5(Suplemento 1), 67-75. https://doi.org/10.62452/vte9bb38