Applications and technologies for the development of the internet of things




Free hardware, internet of things, sensors


Currently, there is a large number of devises connected to the internet that generate data and provide information for certain processes that facilitate the lives of human beings. The development of free software and hardware has allowed the development of products based on programmable boards to which a wide variety of sensors can be connected to generate and transmit data that can be sent to the Internet. This allows the automatic decision making for some processes. This new trend is known as the Internet of Things. In this paper we present a brief history of the Internet and its evolution, the concept of the internet of things is presented. We show how this new concept is changing the way we live. In addition, an assessment is exposed about the present and future of the Internet and the new opportunities that will add value to the interconnection of things, people, processes and data.


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How to Cite

Vázquez Rodríguez, R. . (2018). Applications and technologies for the development of the internet of things. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 1(3), 88-97.