Educational multimedia aimed at developing skills for caring for the environment in children between 4 and 5 years of initial education
Environment, multimedia, teaching medium, initial educationAbstract
Caring for the environment is currently a global problem. Multiple are the difficulties that currently affect the planet due to the disproportionate use of its resources and the lack of actions aimed at its sanitation. This task is the responsibility of all human beings, regardless of the social group to which they belong. It is important that children, very early, take actions that make them aware of this work. The Curriculum of Initial Education of 2014 in Ecuador includes a series of skills that contribute to sowing in infants the need to carry out activities based on the preservation of their environment. This article proposes a multimedia aimed at developing skills for caring for the environment in children from 4 to 5 years of Initial Education. It reflects multiple actions that are in correspondence with the age and psychological development of these children. Both teachers and parents are responsible for influencing children to achieve a positive attitude regarding the care and conservation of the environment. The teaching medium that is presented contributes to developing these attitudes from the nursery.
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