The process of initial teacher training, from work practice as a space to develop investigative skills




Initial training, pre-professional work practice, investigative skills


In the process of initial teacher training, the development of professional practical activity requires problematic situations, from academic training, where the student can contrast with the reality of the school, through the scientific treatment of situations in the school context. Thus, the conception of the practice should contribute to the formation of skills for research, if it allows the integration of knowledge, by linking the training processes with the dissimilar problems of the educational field. This issue is considered of extraordinary importance, in the global context and particularly in Latin America and the Caribbean, where there is a growing concern to address the challenges related to the preparation of teachers and professors. This study deals with the initial training of teachers considering the development of practical and investigative activity that allows them to reflect and transform their field of action. For this, an analytical observational study is carried out, in the scenario: Metropolitan University of Ecuador, in a time frame from the year 2020 to the first semester of 2022, the significance of the relationship between theory and practice is analyzed in the process of investigative training of the education professional, from a study of 15 students who reach the degree from a research work, taking into account dimensions and indicators to consider in the development of research skills.


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How to Cite

Rojas Valladares, A. L. ., Domínguez Urdanivia, Y. ., García Álvarez, I., & Bernal Cerza, R. E. . (2022). The process of initial teacher training, from work practice as a space to develop investigative skills. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 5(3), 139-148.