The fundamental rights in the constitution of the republic of Ecuador 2008: dogmatic, social and legal foundations




Fundamental Rights, dogmatics, regulations


The axiological framework of the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador 2008 is based on what has been called the policy of rights. In this case, it is a question of a theory of justice extended on a global scale, which has put an end to all radical political options, for progressive options of social change, respectful of human rights. The objective of this research has been to analyze the dogmatic, social and legal foundations of fundamental rights in the proposal for the Constitution of Ecuador 2008. The methodology used responds to a descriptive and exploratory approach and methods of documentary review, reasoning deductive-inductive logic, synthesis and descriptive analysis of research. The information used comes mainly from public and private actors involved in the issue. One of the main conclusions reached is the one referred to that the constitutional dogmatics suggests principles of organization of power that pluralize democracy creating numerous mechanisms of control and direction of politics and public policies.


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How to Cite

Morales Carranza, S. J. . (2022). The fundamental rights in the constitution of the republic of Ecuador 2008: dogmatic, social and legal foundations. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 5(3), 124-132.