Protection of the environmental services of forests. View from environmental criminal law




Ecosystem services, environmental criminal law, environmental administrative law, forests


Addressing the protection of forest environmental services from the perspective of environmental criminal law, would contribute to achieving an approach to effectiveness and international concern for environmental problems and the real disconnection between protection, the benefits provided by ecosystems and the irrational way of human behavior towards nature. As fundamental methods, the exegetical-analytical method is used to determine the meaning and scope of the current regulations on the matter, in conjunction with the legal institutions related to the subject, for which the validity and effectiveness of the current regulations on the subject will be evaluated. matter; the doctrinal in correlation with the analysis of current legislation, to verify the need for its improvement; the historical, to abound in the antecedents, the context and formation of the normative and philosophical doctrines that serve as its foundation; and finally that of Comparative Law, which allowed knowing the legal treatment that other systems of Law give to a similar reality and critically assessing whether it merits a reference for the purposes of this investigation.


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How to Cite

Yaguachi Gualan, F. O. (2022). Protection of the environmental services of forests. View from environmental criminal law. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 5(3), 67-76.