The use of perceptual models to enhance the child´s intellectual development




Analytical perception, perceptual actions, perception models, indicators


The present work is focused in a very important topic for the work with children, because it deals with the use of models of analytic perception to favor the intellectual development of early childhood children. This aims at proposing indicators for the elaboration of models of analytic perception at different complexity levels to favor the intellectual development of early childhood children. A qualitative methodology is mainly used, from the use of theoretical methods like: analysis-synthesis, hypothetic-deductive and the revision of specialized bibliography. This led to a theoretical systematization of professors from University Medical Sciences of Holguín, about the different perception models, their characteristics and importance of analytic perception for the intellectual development of children. From this systematization, some aspects that led its argumentation for its use in the health educational context were derived. The investigation logic leads to making assessments and inferences that made possible the elaboration of models of analytic perception to favor the intellectual development of children.


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How to Cite

Suárez Ricardo, Y. ., Pino Sera, Y. ., & López Aballe, M. . (2022). The use of perceptual models to enhance the child´s intellectual development. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 5(3), 50-56.