Involvement of teleworking in Ecuador




Covid -19, Information and Communication Technologies, telework, social impact


The pandemic caused by Covid-19 drastically accelerated the digitalization in personal life, as well as the social and work life of people, among these transformations, teleworking was promoted to the point that it was integrated into the laws as part of the social reactivation and economic of some states in which Ecuador is included, alleviating the serious economic crisis with the corresponding social impact that affects worldwide. Therefore, the objective of the research is to determine the implication of teleworking and its impact on labor rights related to working hours, rest, remuneration, risk prevention and reversibility, for which a qualitative methodological approach will be used and the scientific research methods will be bibliographic review, the historical - logical and the analytical - synthetic. From this study, little attention has been found on the part of the authorities in the regulation of teleworking and a growing tendency to choose said work model by people. In addition, the laws that regulate it allow only the employer to offer the option of teleworking. Therefore, it is understandable that society, especially those who are directly affected, expect improvements in the laws related to the subject.


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How to Cite

Pintado Lazo, H. F. ., & López Moya, D. F. . (2022). Involvement of teleworking in Ecuador. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 5(2), 167-177.